Hey kids. So I was thinking....most of the blogs I follow tend to wimp out on Saturdays. I suppose this is acceptable considering those who blog as their profession need a weekend too. But I figured there must be others like me who have little to no life, and who look forward (almost pathetically) to reading certain blogs each day who also get super depressed on Saturday when they realize that, alas, once the page loads, it's the same post I read yesterday. Boo. So I thought I'd try and come up with a solution to battle this catastrophe and--yes, you guessed it--post stuff! On Saturdays!
I like finding things that look nice in my home. Other people do too, as is evident by the bazillion blogs, magazines, etc. out there where people advertise, post, review, and comment on endless different products, furnishings, and various odds and ends for here, there, and everywhere. However, being on a tight asphyxiating budget, it's kind of sad when I realize that people get overly excited about items that 99.9999% of people can't afford. I love Martha Stewart as much as the next guy (most likely more), but paying $45 for a dishcloth for my kitchen just isn't an option...even if I had it professionally framed and never once let it get dirty (not that I could afford to have it professionally framed anyway).
Hence: Fabbie Finds. On Saturdays, I'm going to try and put a post up each week featuring 5 items that are super cute and $25 or less (minus shipping, taxes, and all that other junk). And I'll throw in a fun splurge item under $50 if I happen to find one that is particularly cute, unique, or just plain awesome. So now you can have something to look forward to on Saturdays! You're welcome.
Up first:
Z Gallerie
John and Sherry Petersik featured this little guy on their blog, Young House Love, on their monthly ad thank-you a while back (oh, how I look forward to the day when I can have ads on my blog...). I have been smitten with the little guy ever since. I love the negative space created between the little starfishies, and, though I've never seen it in person, it looks like it has some nice texture going on too. It's also available in white, but I'm obsessed with the silver. This would look nice anywhere, from a bookshelf, to a coffee table, to a kitchen counter, to--I'll say it--the top of the toilet tank. Or I suppose the bathroom counter. But considering it's size, I really do think it could look nice by the toilet! It's a necessary appliance, so might as well spiff it up! Or not. It's up to you. But I think you should consider it--it's way prettier than a box of tissues.
I just think this little guy is too cute! It's not exactly a functional storage container, what without being able to bend closed and it lacking a cap/stopper/plug/etc., but it would be great for when you have company over for anything that could possibly involve milk or cream. In case you're short on ideas, that includes pretty much every single major holiday, every meal (especially breakfast, brunch, or dessert [it's a meal in itself and you know it]), and any excuse to caffeinate yourself or your guests, whether the beverage of choice is tea or coffee. It reminds me of my elementary school days, back when I used to order my little chocolate milks for 10c. Sigh. Those were the good ol' days. (Middle and High School...not so much).
Dragonflies' Etsy Shop
I'm obsessed with maps, so these little guys caught my eye a few months ago, and I flagged them into my Etsy Favorites. They've since sold, but Dragonflies has lots of other very cute designs in her shop, including lace, trees, and scripty handwriting, that are all equally stunning. Plus, being an Etsy seller, if you're set on the map idea, you can always ask for a custom order; who knows, maybe you could even ask for a specific place! These would be eye candy on any fridge or otherwise magnetic surface.
Z Gallerie
Are these not the cutest little things you've ever seen? I admit--I have a bird obsession. Probably because my parents were/are birders (aka: "Bird Nerds"). When I was little, I thought birds were stupidly annoying considering my dad would practically swerve off the road trying to identify a black speck up in the sky ("Is it a Sharpshin? I can't tell!"). He still swerves off the road frequently for the same reason, but I'm old enough that it's become endearing (though still just as life-threatening). However, I now like decorative bird items. I especially love these because of their clean lines, organic shape, and crisp color. Be warned that they are $9.95 each, though the picture is of a pair. But I think they would be worth it. And I'm dirt cheep cheap (couldn't help myself).
Yes, this is from Walmart. I know it's not everyone's favorite place, but I was there today picking up some toothpaste when I saw this little guy hanging out in the lamp department (I get really distracted when I go shopping. All I bought today was toothpaste, soap for my boyfriend, and a glass container for iced tea, and I was there for about an hour and a half). I though that the first time I saw this lamp base was at Target, but I just spent about 15 minutes combing through their website looking for it, and I can't seem to find it there. But honestly, I think this little guy is just fabulous! It comes in the silver in this photo, or a bronze-y color for those who prefer something a bit more masculine and/or less flashy. I think the silhouette is really nice, and I love, Love, love, the texture of the base. If I had nice bedside tables and I wasn't moving in 6 weeks, I would totally consider purchasing these for realsies. As of this post-writing, they're out of stock online. However, when I was in the store, they were $15, not $25! They don't come with a shade, but seriously, I've seen lamp bases in thrift stores that cost $15 or more (yeah I know, what the heck is up with that?). Maybe the marked-down price is a sign they won't be carrying them anymore, so get a move on if you want 'em!
Super Bonus!
KnitKnit's Etsy Shop
No, I don't know what the heck you would use this for, but I just thought it was so cute and unique that I had to post it! People come up with all sorts of interesting and fun ideas. Cheers to being creative!
What about you guys? Find any interesting, unique, and affordable items lately? Were middle and high school as bad for you as they were for me? Are your parents (or...GASP!...you!) bird-obsessed, real or fake? Spill it!
*Note: All pictures via the linked webpage for the featured item.
*Note: All pictures via the linked webpage for the featured item.
*Double Note: I was not paid or perked by any of these sellers or companies (pft, I wish they knew who I was--hah!). I just found these items myself and thought I would share them!